My Journey to Self-Harmony and Worthiness

Articles Back to Articles Januari 2024 My Journey to Self-Harmony and Worthiness At the crossroads of Eastern values and Western individualism, I found myself grappling with a profound question: How do we find true harmony within ourselves? It’s a question I recently explored with Savannah Blake on her inspiring podcast series. Growing up in the Eastern world, I was cradled in a culture that prizes harmony over the outspoken authenticity celebrated more widely in the West. This offers both blessings and challenges. Through my personal journey, I’ve learned a pivotal truth: To live in harmony with yourself is to cultivate a garden of peace, ease, and joy that blossoms outward to others. Conversely, when we are in discord with our inner selves, that turbulence ripples into the lives of those around us. Hence, I’ve learned to honour my own natural energy flow and carve out a routine that nourishes my soul and empowers my business, even though that routine may not be a mainstream practice. It took me years of introspective work to transform my head knowledge into heart knowledge, and in that metamorphosis, I discovered another universal truth: Knowing is the map, but implementing is the journey. It’s through action that the hidden treasures of knowledge reveal themselves. I invite you to join me in unraveling these insights by listening to the podcast episode “Breaking Down Patterns of Stress and Worthiness.” Here’s the link to the episode : And if my story resonates with you, let’s connect. Together, we can explore how you too can navigate the intricate dance of work-life integration, overcome stress, and step into a life of worthiness and self-acceptance.   #WomenIn Leadership #Empowered Women #SelfHarmony #EasternWisdom #LifeBalance #PodcastLove #PersonalJourney #AuthenticLiving #StressFreeLife #InnerPeace #Worthiness #HeartKnowledge Recent post : My Journey to Self-Harmony and Worthiness Embracing Greater Fullness of Life The Hustle – A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success Nurturing Inner Peace Metamorphosis of Well-Being

Embracing Greater Fullness of Life

Articles Back to Articles Januari 2024 Embracing Greater Fullness of Life I was recently a guest on another podcast series, ‘Lead from Within,’ hosted by Michele Thomson. In this episode, I shared my journey of discovering my next version of self by embracing fullness. For so long, I operated under the subconscious belief that the most important person in my life was someone else—until that belief surfaced, and I decided to live differently. I chose to embrace the truth that I am as important as the most important person in my life. As a coach and the leader of a social enterprise for over a decade, I’ve felt the weight of trying to be a beacon of light for others while also shining for myself. This experience has compelled me to help high-performing women thrive in both success and well-being. My journey has taught me that we can indeed be a powerhouse for good—for others, as well as for ourselves. Consistently diving deep into inner work has been my magic wand. It has led me through a process of unlearning old beliefs and relearning to cherish my own significance. Looking back, this process has allowed me to walk the path of easeful success, where achieving dreams doesn’t mean running on empty. Instead, it’s about rising with joy and vitality every single day. Hence, the podcast episode is aptly titled “Embracing Fullness.” Here’s the link to the episode: If my words resonate with you and you feel drawn to a greater fullness of life, and if you need a partner in your corner, reach out to me. I’m here to guide you through the work that will elevate your self-care and help you embrace your fullness. Together, we can create a greater level of well-being that complements your achievements. Let’s make magic happen together! #WomenInLeadership #EmpoweredWomen #LeadFromWithin #SuccessMindset #SelfCareMatters #SuccessAndWellbeing #HolisticSuccess #InnerWork #MindfulLiving #WellnessJourney #PersonalGrowth #UplevelYourLife Recent post : Embracing Greater Fullness of Life The Hustle – A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success Nurturing Inner Peace Metamorphosis of Well-Being Asserting Needs, Embracing Setbacks: The Dance of Self-Compassion

The Hustle – A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success

Articles Back to Articles Januari 2024 The Hustle – A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success I recently had the privilege of sharing my journey on The Pivot Point Podcast, hosted by Jessica McGann, in an episode titled ‘The Hustle – A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success.’ Life has its own unique, unexpected ways of teaching us lessons, and on this episode, I share pivotal moments that made me pause and realize I was living a sick life – not in a good way. It was a wake-up call that led me to peel back the layers of my work-driven existence and embark on a journey toward a life rich with purpose and healthy ambition. In the episode we explore the deep questions about what constitutes true success. I don’t hold back, offering my story to those of you balancing on the tightrope of professional and personal fulfilment amid the hustle of high achievement. Success, as conventionally defined, often leads us down a path that neglects our well-being. I challenge those conventional notions and invite you to reconsider what success truly means to you.  As we step into a new year, my hope is that my story serves as a catalyst for positive change, becoming a beacon for good, not just for others but, most importantly, for ourselves.  If you’re curious to hear more about my journey and the insights shared during this conversation, click the following link to listen to the full episode : Are you ready to redefine success? Join me on this empowering journey. I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and potentially working together to turn your aspirations into reality. Feel free to reach out, and let’s make 2024 your best year yet.   #ResilienceStory #LifeLessons #EmpowermentJourney #LifeTransformation #PurposefulLiving #PositiveChange #SuccessReimagined #RedefineSuccess #WellBeingMatters #HealthyAmbition #HighAchievement #WomenEmpowerment Recent post : The Hustle – A Tale of Resilience and Redefining Success Nurturing Inner Peace Metamorphosis of Well-Being Asserting Needs, Embracing Setbacks: The Dance of Self-Compassion Here and Now: Strategies for Calmness in the Modern Whirlwind

Nurturing Inner Peace

Articles Back to Articles Januari 2024 Nurturing Inner Peace As we step into the new year, I take time this week to reflect and glean lessons from the past year. 2023 stands out as one of the most challenging years I’ve experienced, navigating numerous changes in the social enterprise I lead. From technological shifts to systemic changes and personnel transitions, it felt like I was steering through uncharted waters. Yet, as I look back, I am not just grateful for having weathered the storm; I can see profound growth within myself. One of my biggest takeaways from 2023 is the power of trust and surrender. For me, surrendering is not giving up. Instead, it’s an act of handing over my worries and concerns to a force greater than myself. In my daily practice, I surrender all the outstanding tasks that clamour for my attention, allowing me to quieten the noise in my mind and find solace, especially when the day bids adieu. I consider my trust and surrender routine like a workout for the soul. Just as we strengthen and maintain our muscles through regular exercises, so too can we cultivate a peaceful mind through the conscious act of releasing control and trusting that things happen for us, not to us. Looking back, I can see the hard things that I experienced in 2023 revealed my resilience and furthered my personal evolution in adaptability. Looking into the future, I carry with me the certainty that whatever lies ahead can be surrendered and entrusted to the benevolent Divine.  I share my story not as a mere tale, but as an invitation to all high-performing women navigating the intricate dance of life to explore the profound impact that trust and surrender can have on our well-being. If you’re ready to take this journey with a guide who understands the path intimately, I invite you to reach out. Your holistic well-being awaits – let’s walk this path together.   #HighPerformingWomen #NewYearReflections #LifeLessons #PersonalGrowth #ResilienceJourney #SelfCareJourney #NavigatingChange #MindfulLiving #TrustAndSurrender #Adaptability #HolisticWellBeing #BenevolentDivine Recent post : From Knowledge to Deep Understanding and Belief Cultivating Connections: The Essence of Social Self-Care Celebrating Women: The Power of Unity and Collaboration The Power of Vulnerability in Leadership Harnessing the Power of the Dragon